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You've probably heard the phrases "responsive design" and "mobile-friendly" tossed around the boardroom--and with good reason, too. You see, the web is progressing quickly toward putting more emphasis on good user experience (and less on tables and beveled buttons) and it has been for quite some time. Not only are Google's algorithms shifting to favour content that users enjoy the best (and interact with the best), businesses are feeling the pressure to make sure their site is working well for their customers.

That's the primary reason why businesses are concerned with investing in a responsive or mobile website: user experience. If the usability of a site is low, you can bet the user rate follows suit; think of user experience (in this topic) as an extension of your customer experience. With the growing percent of all web traffic coming from devices of all widths and capabilities, it's become increasingly more important to make sure your users (customers and potential customers) are able to access your site easily regardless of their device.

There are a couple ways to address this issue, primarily the following two: you can build a website that is responsive, meaning that it will function (through varying its layout) on any device, or you can build a separate mobile website--in addition to your existing company website--for your mobile users.

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Poorly informed writing is like a car held together with duct tape--you can push it until you get tired, but you're not going anywhere.

Knowing what you're writing about is an essential tool to writing well for any type of writing; even for a professional writer, writing without knowledge about your topic isn't writing--it's typing. Especially important when writing for the web, it's critical to allow a reasonable amount of time for research. You wouldn't start a speech in front of thousands of potential clients without knowing well what you intend to say--and you shouldn't approach content marketing (or any writing, really) any other way.

But effective content marketing--the kind that's worth your time, effort and investment--requires much more than basic knowledge of your topic. I'm talking research--lean, mean, sleeves-rolled-up research. Here's why it's worth the time and investment.

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It's been a very rewarding season for us at Radii so far. After the Raising the Grade website launched in early October, clubs across the nation have started enrolling students and putting the work of the entire project team from Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada, Rogers Youth Fund and Radii to good use. As more clubs join in on the Raising the Grade program, participation and enthusiam are high all around. From our perspective, having built the Raising the Grade online platform from the ground up, it's great to see students engaged in the program and making the most out of it. And with Rogers fully behind it and ample positive feedback from the youth and mentors, what could be more rewarding?

The positive response from the community and local enthusiasm makes us love our jobs even more. From launches nearby to launches provinces away, hundreds of youth can now access digital learning modules, personal e-Portfolios and useful resources through the website. It's an excellent example of technology bringing people together and improving lives.

Of course, this is just the beginning. We're continuing to work with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada and Rogers Youth Fund to support the Raising the Grade platform and help the program reach its potential. In the meantime, be sure to check out the Raising the Grade blog to find out more or to get involved!

Measuring the success of your AdWords campaign can be an involved process, especially for many B2Bs. When your company doesn't have an e-commerce site or, in many B2B cases, any defined conversion rate (or a conversion rate with a high margin of error), you can't directly calculate Profit by Impression (PBI) or Profit by Clicks (PBC). And naturally, you shouldn't wait for the initiative to end to start tracking performance and measurable ROI. In these instances, your primary goal is likely branding exposure and improved rankings. But how to do you measure its success without those crucial rates?

There are two trains of thought for collecting a usable measurement: CTR and IMPR. But the trick is in using statistical analysis. Here's how to do it to get a better grasp of your campaign's performance.

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