For this weeks installment of Everyday Carry, we have Jeffrey sharing what he carries on the daily. During the day he is a front-end developer and designer here at Radii, in the evening you can find him at the gym working up a sweat. Check out Jeffrey’s must haves below.
Jeffrey Lee, Graphic Designer/Front-end Developer - Personal Everyday Carry:
1. Nalgene Water Bottle
Keeping hydrated every day is easy with this oversized water bottle
2. Notebook
Handmade Ikea, FULLFÖLJA
3. Chap Stick
Classic Original
4. Bose SoundSport in-ear headphones in Energy Green
A must for the gym
5. Leather Coach Wallet
Slim and lightweight
6. Pilot Drawing Pen
My go-to pen
7. iPhone 6
Perfect for listening to tunes at office or the gym
8. Car Keys
With my trusty gym membership keychain, of course