Category: Uncategorized

It’s not a secret that we love both WordPress and Shopify here at Radii. So we are very pleased to see Shopify release their Ecommerce Plugin for WordPress along with 3 new themes.

WordPress users and fans will be able to continue to benefit from the ease of publishing and SEO benefits of WordPress while using Shopify to manage the more “complex” ecommerce features like, inventory, payment, taxes, secure checkout, shipping and fulfillment.

The Shopify Ecommerce Plugin and the 3 themes are free at the moment. Existing Shopify merchants can download and start using at no additional cost. New users can start selling for $9/month and also benefit from other perks of Shopify like Shopify POS for iOS and Android, Facebook shop, and Shopify’s great 24/7 support.

It’s worth a look and we’ll be keeping an eye on Shopify and WordPress for future developments on this front.

Shopify and WordPress - Hype by Themezilla

Hype Shopify and WordPress Theme

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How many times have you brainstormed with your team, only to come out of the session with one mediocre, plausible idea? And when you reflect on how the meeting proceeded, you recall that there was one voice louder than all the others, very few competing points of views, lots of nodding heads, and more lunching than learning? You’re not alone. We’ve seen it and have even been a part of it ourselves. Welcome to what many believe to be the pitfalls of brainstorming.

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It’s Trade Show Season; this year, you want your marketing dollars to count. From experience, you know that generating qualified leads at a Trade Show isn’t accomplished from just showing up. So what are the must-do’s when planning for an event?

Here’s our Trade Show planning experience boiled down to 4 golden rules: Continue Reading

There has been lots of buzz recently declaring the death of the blog. It’s time to ring in the New Year and see why blogging is still the one most important thing businesses must do to boost their online presence in 2015.

3 Reasons why your business needs to blog in 2015: Continue Reading