January 16, 2016 by radii

How many times have you brainstormed with your team, only to come out of the session with one mediocre, plausible idea? And when you reflect on how the meeting proceeded, you recall that there was one voice louder than all the others, very few competing points of views, lots of nodding heads, and more lunching than learning? You’re not alone. We’ve seen it and have even been a part of it ourselves. Welcome to what many believe to be the pitfalls of brainstorming.
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Creative Facebook timeline covers can help make or break your first impression on this platform. Fortunately, this new Facebook feature has untapped possibilities to showcase your creativity and display your brand in a new and clever way.
Below, we present to you 15 of our favourite highly creative timeline covers to get you thinking. Have one you think should have made the cut? Drop us a note in the comments!
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February 8, 2012 by radii

The best designers don't wait around for inspiration to strike. They go after it with a club. And so, we present to you the ultimate guide to inspiration resources in 2012. Each site excels at doing what they do best, so it would be hard (read: impossible) to give a fair ranking to each. Take a look and get inspired!
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January 27, 2012 by radii
February's just around the corner, so we've compiled our favourite most-enticing wallpapers to welcome in the month with the download links. Plus, we've added in the ones adorning our own screens--see if you can guess which belongs to whom!

Wallpaper source
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