Here's our top tech links to start your week off right!
----More than two dozen excellent free fonts chosen by the folks over at Design Mag.
Beautiful Photos of Abandoned Apple G5s
----Ian Lee from sourced some excellent photos of these Macs at his recycling centre.
----Load an image or use one of theirs as an online kaleidoscope
A High Tech Turntable Turns Tree Rings into Piano Music
----Using a PlayStation camera to build a super cool gadget, " 'I rather wanted to see the tree as just one of many documents in an archive of natural objects that bear the record of their development in their own structure,” Traubeck [told] Co.Design."
A Day Made of Glass (video)
----Corning's expanded vision for the future of glass technologies
The Affection Collection: iPad Games for Your Pet
----Proceeds go to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Don't Know What to Get Your Better (Gaming) Half? A Collection of Nerd Valentine Gifts
----A tumblr filled with clever nerd gifts and suggestions
Minimalist Internet Meme Movie Posters
----"London-based designer Stefan Van Zoggel reimagines some of the most viral internet memes of all-time as movies."
How Much Espresso? (Visualization)
----Particularly relevant to many of us at Radii, this visualization explains exactly how much espresso we've consumed.
----Upload a font and find out exactly what it is. Settle those bets once and for all!
HTML5 vs Flash Games (Infographic)
----Learn everything you ever wondered about the difference in online gaming
There you have it! Have you heard any great or interesting news lately? Pass it on our way!