Last week we discussed the easiest and most effective ways to stay informed in your industry without getting overwhelmed. The key, of course, is to stay in the stream of information and maximize the amount of useful informational intake by weeding out unproductive sources. One of the best ways to make sure you're on top of your business game without dedicating a large amount of time is to find the most useful business blogs and use the techniques we discussed. And as with many things, the secret is to know where to look. Fortunately, at Radii, we do our share of reading up and we have you covered. We've brought you the 15 most useful blogs for entrepreneurs that consistently produce relevant and applicable articles to help you succeed in any business.

Seth Godin's blog

  • Seth's blog is frequently cited as one of the best business blogs out there, and for a good reason: it is. Seth offers bite-sized advice daily. Few other bloggers can pack as much punch in as few words.

Ben Casnocha's blog

  • Ben's work comes from an intelligent taste and is best suited for those with a keen disposition for learning. That said, his posts are by no means dry academia--his words are very much for the real world and for real business.

Leo Babauta's Zen Habits

  • Leo's blog came to fame a few years ago when it grew, seemingly out of nowhere, to be one of the most popular "work-life balance" blogs on the internet. It focuses on simplicity and minimalism in a practical and applicable manner, and Leo has a great sense of humour. Originally from Guam and now based in San Francisco, I've read Leo's work for 5+ year and can vouch for the quality of his advice.

Guy Kawasaki's blog

  • You may have heard of Guy in the media lately for his new book on enchantment, or you might have seen him around Google Plus--he has an astounding 1.5 million followers. Guy brings excellent articles on honest business, curiosity and technology.

Tim Ferriss's blog

  • Tim has been known, most commonly, for his innovative book "The Four Hour Workweek." His blog discusses related ideas, centered around productivity and happiness, such as "experiment in lifestyle design."

Chris Brogan's blog

  • Chris is all about human business. He writes about technology, media and how business intersects both. His blog is highly recommended for long-term readers, as he consistently churns out excellent articles.

Steve Roesler's All Things Workplace

  • Steve's primary focus is on quality leadership, which he believes is the backbone supporting a good business. He also discusses office morale, organization and productivity.

Bob Sutton's Work Matters

  • Bob's work comes in one-cuppa-coffee sized doses and can best be described as business philosophy. He explains his professional ideology, specific business concepts, leadership and originality in an easy-reading and thought-provoking manner. His work isn't to be overlooked; you can find him everywhere from the New York Times to Stanford.

Nivi and Naval's Venture Hacks

  • Nivi and Naval dominate the blogosphere when it comes to young entrepreneurs. These guys share their early successes and what they've learned along the way. It's a great read for those interested in business and those investing in a startup.

Jason Calacanis's blog

  • A more personal blog, Jason provides insight into the life of a successful businessman.

Dr. Jeff Cornwall's blog

  • Dr. Cornwall covers business from head to toe, discussing everything you wanted to know about entrepreneurship from a highly professional perspective. His blog is an excellent resource for fresh information and well-researched articles.

Multiple blogs at Business Insider

  • The folks at Business Insider do a great job at creating helpful content, beyond current news articles. Take a moment and browse their sections, subscribe to a few, and find which best suit your tastes and interests.

Mark Cuban's Blog Maverick

  • Most recently known for his appearances on Shark Tank, Mark's blog is invaluable for knowledge straight from an extremely successful businessman. A billionaire as a result of smart investments in the entertainment and sports industries, Mark provides a frank and insightful (and unmissable) look at the business world.

Mark Suster's Both Sides of the Table

  • Mark's articles are a great resource for studying up on sales practices, both face-to-face and distance marketing, as well as the best practices for investors.

Trent Hamm's The Simple Dollar

  • The Simple Dollar is a very well-organized finance blog, ideal for those interested in managing their money better, both in business and in life.


Know of another excellent business blog? Let us know in the comments!